Get to know Sweden's demographic through an interactive lecture.

Did you know that 20% of Sweden’s population is foreign-born? That 39% of children (0-18 years) in Sweden have at least one foreign-born parent? Or that Generation Alpha has a significant impact on their parents’ consumption habits?

Sweden’s demographic is rapidly changing, making it crucial to stay updated to understand your market, target audience, or customers. Whether you’re focusing on consumer behavior, market trends, or community engagement, our lecture can be customised to address your specific areas of interest. Gain insights that directly align with your organisational objectives, ensuring practical takeaways that drive results.

Booking our interactive lecture is simple. Contact us to discuss your requirements, preferred topics, and scheduling. Whether you want it digital or in person, if you’re part of a corporate team, an academic institution, an executive board or a community organisation, our lecture is tailored to suit your needs.

Our lectures includes: 

✔️ What does Sweden look like, now and in the future?

✔️ With demographic changes come new demands and development opportunities for employers.

✔️ What comes after Generation Z and what does that mean for us?

✔️ Interactive workshop: Mentimeter questions with discussion (aha moments guaranteed!) and tools.